Different Types Of Weddings

Weddings are planned in several different ways. 

Traditional Wedding

The traditional wedding is the more elaborate ceremony that takes place in a church or at another public building, with all of the guests dressed formally and seated while an orchestra plays music for the bride to walk down the aisle, but you can also have a traditional wedding on either side of this top-down example if you’d like to simplify some aspects of it.

Traditional weddings typically take place as arranged marriages and involve complex negotiations between families. While romantic love matches are still often made through arranged marriages, they’re much more likely to occur outside of Europe and America now than they would have been 150 years ago. Some cultures that traditionally allow marriage by capture—the groom abducting his bride from her home until she agrees to marry him—still have arranged marriages today, but the practice is largely extinct.

Modern Wedding

In a modern wedding, usually, only close friends and family members attend. The couple may have a large public celebration after their marriage if they wish, or it can be a quiet event with just a few guests who are either family or very close friends of the bride and groom. After all, most people don’t want to sit through a ceremony that lasts more than an hour!

Casual Wedding

A casual wedding is one in which both families play an as little role as possible in the planning process; the couple decides on what they want to do and find ways to make those plans happen without involving family members or anyone else besides their witnesses (in some cases). Casual weddings can be wonderful ways to avoid having to deal with family politics.

Destination Wedding

A destination wedding is one in which guests are flown or bused in by the couple and then housed at a resort, hotel, or another venue to attend the ceremony and/or reception.

Destination weddings give people who live far away from your hometown an opportunity to celebrate with you without spending too much money on travel expenses; it’s also possible for destinations like tropical beaches or European castles to provide enough of an atmosphere that families get involved without really realizing that they’re playing a part in making things happen.

Economical Wedding

The economical wedding limits both guest list size and overall expenses by focusing on how much each guest can contribute to either catering costs or decorations. The goal is to make sure that everyone who loves you can celebrate with you without going into massive amounts of debt to do so.

Vintage Wedding

A vintage wedding is one in which couples go all-out for an antique look, from invitations and decorations to bridal gowns and even the bride’s cake. This type of wedding often takes place in a historic or other public building, with catering done by caterers who specialize in event planning—it’s not unusual for the entire wedding party, including both families, to put their efforts toward making sure everything goes perfectly.

A vintage wedding has a much more general approach since its central idea is to look more closely at the past than anyone else in history has ever done before. For example, a vintage wedding can focus on any number of periods—the 1940s, the 1920s, even earlier—or it can celebrate what’s old by looking at how present-day people could create an atmosphere from another time and place without actually dressing in costumes.

Modern Vintage Wedding

The modern vintage wedding is similar to the traditional version since it usually takes place in a church or at another public building; however, it looks to history both outside (with props like top hats) and within (with vows and readings that reflect both traditional and modern values). It can be a wonderful way to blend two different sorts of personalities into one event that’s special for all the right reasons.

DIY Wedding

For the DIY wedding, brides take on most or all of the responsibilities involved in getting married: they choose their dress, decorate their invitations and flower arrangements, and even write their vows. This type of wedding is perfect for women who want to contribute more than just their presence at an altar; it’s also great if you have specific ideas about what you’d like your ceremony to look like but aren’t sure how to find someone willing to go along with them.

Picking a specific theme for your wedding means that you’re going all out when it comes to decorating, catering, and everything else involved in making this type of event happen; you’ve decided what sort of mood or atmosphere you want your guests to experience when they arrive at your ceremony or reception site, and then you’ve gone over each detail with a fine-toothed comb to make sure that everything reflects the atmosphere you want.

For example, if your theme is “pirate,” then there will be treasures on display, sea chanteys sung at the reception, and probably even a pirate-themed cake. In some cases—although they’re rare—the themed wedding can include guests dressing up in specific costumes, but only when it’s an event for adults.

So the above-mentions were some of the different types of weddings