Plastering is called an art form by some, but for the most part, it is a very technical process that must be done correctly to achieve satisfactory results. For this article, I will go over the best materials needed for plastering walls and also some of the techniques used while performing this task.
Warning: The following text contains multiple ordinal directions. Please read carefully!
The Materials Needed:
Plastering requires lots of different kinds of materials to make your walls look new and beautiful again, and it can even save you money since I will show you how to use fewer products than before using these techniques. It isn’t uncommon to see people waste time and money when doing things themselves because they don’t know what they are doing; this article aims to avoid that scenario.
The first material needed for plastering is high-quality wallboard, the bigger the better. I know this may seem like common sense, but unfortunately, there are people out there who still use low-quality materials for their job when they don’t have to.
By using the best wallboard you can find, you are saving yourself time and money in multiple ways.
First of all, it will be easier to apply since the wallboard itself is lightweight which takes away extra strain from your arms because of its size; second of all, it will cost less since larger boards mean cheaper prices per square foot; finally, it will look better than anything else because plastering requires high-quality materials to achieve a truly professional appearance.
There are different types of wallboard, but the one you want to use is a green board because its composition allows for easy cutting and it is strong enough to hold up under pressure from both your hands and from the water needed when plastering. I know that this may not sound like much, but trust me when I say that to get a professional-looking job you need high-quality materials.
Wide Cloth
A wide cloth is also a must in my opinion; in fact, most people who have ever worked with plaster before would agree with me on this point. This material needs to be big enough so that it can cover half of your arm while still allowing you to perform all the motions needed throughout the process of putting on the plastering.
This is important because it allows you to keep your arms dry all the time while still giving you enough room to handle things properly; this will reduce stress on your arm muscles and also make the job easier, allowing more time for other actions while helping you save money by not using too much plaster.
Hand Trowel
A hand trowel is another very important tool used in the art of wallboard application since it allows for more control over your movements while cutting down on excess materials consumed during the process.
When it comes to choosing a hand trowel, several factors come into play regarding size and shape, but I recommend getting one that has an edge that resembles a knife instead of being rounded off.
The sharp edge will make it easier to cut through the wallboard and therefore reduce waste, while the flat side will allow you to smooth out any excess material that has been applied.
So, these are the basic materials that the plasterers needed in Melbourne.
Plastering is a very time-consuming process, so it is best done during the summer months when temperatures are high since this allows you to work faster due to excessive sweating.
This is especially important since hot weather conditions can cause extra strain on your body if you are working for long periods under pressure; however, plastering does not have to be done during hot weather exclusively.
If it happens to be cold outside I recommend using a fan to achieve similar cooling effects as would be achieved during an overly warm day.
Once all these materials have been gathered together, the next thing to do is get ready for the actual process of plastering.
You are going to want to start by removing any objects on the wall you are planning on covering since they might get in the way when applying plaster; next, make sure that your arm cloth and trowel are in good shape and reach so you don’t waste time looking for them when it’s already too late.
The Plastering Process:
I’m going to pretend we have gathered all the necessary materials and now we can begin putting them into practice by following these steps:
1- Apply a thin layer of water onto the green board with your hand trowel. The object here is to create an even coat that will allow for easier application when plastering; also, do not worry about the excess water since you will be removing it with your trowel in a second.
2- With your cloth covering half of your arm, grab some plaster from the bag and apply it to the wall while making sure that none of the material falls off before it is properly applied. Repeat this step until you have covered everything you want or need to cover.
3- Using your trowel, remove all the extra water that has been created by applying plaster onto the wall so that nothing can slip out of place which provides for better control over materials being used during this process.
4- Now repeat steps one through three until you are satisfied with how everything looks at which point you can stop and allow the materials to dry.
Finally, once everything has dried you can remove your arm cloth and admire your handiwork.
If during any step of this process you feel that you are not experienced enough with plastering, it is recommended that you seek assistance from an expert in this field since they can provide more detailed information regarding how to go about performing these tasks.
However, for those people who are ready to take on the challenge of learning how to apply plastering all by themselves, I wish them good luck! Remember these steps and maybe someday soon you will be someone who plasters boards professionally rather than just doing it as a hobbyist.