Everything You Need To Know About Boxing Class

Boxing is a combat sport where two opponents face off in a boxing ring and fight with their fists. The goal of the sport, like most other combat sports, is to either knock out or incapacitate your opponent by delivering more physical blows than they give you.

Most people who box train at a gym with professional trainers and experienced amateur boxers. This allows the beginner to learn the fundamentals of boxing as well as gives them an excellent workout.

Boxing Classes: What You Need To Know Before You Go | SELF

When starting out, it’s best to spend some time learning proper form before trying to spar (a mock fight) or entering into any kind of competition.

Unfortunately, there are few amateur fighting competitions available for beginners since most amateurs aren’t very experienced and have little chance against a professional.

Boxing is a physically strenuous activity that requires little equipment to get started. All you need is proper boxing gear and a large enough area to work out.

You will want to have some kind of padding around the perimeter of your workout space, as well as an open space within the padded limits where you can move around freely without fear of hitting anything or anyone unintentionally.

This guide will explain everything from cost, training, benefits, rules and regulations, qualifications, weight classes, rankings, championships/events/tournaments, safety tips and precautions.

It will also provide a few tips on how to start boxing today!

How Much Does it Cost to Join a Boxing Gym?

The price of joining a boxing gym will vary from gym to gym. You can figure that you’ll have to pay an entrance fee and monthly dues for the privilege of being a member at your local, state, or national boxing club.

Some places may even require a small yearly registration fee.

Prices around usually range from $30-100 per month depending on location and if they have any special promotions going on.

Some may offer half-price rates for students or seniors, so be sure to ask about discounts before committing yourself to a contract.

For example, most gyms charge between $50-$80 per month for training with no registration fee, but you can find some places that charge as little as $25 per month if you look hard enough.

Boxing training is not cheap! But the benefits of joining a boxing gym are more than make up for any initial entrance fee.

You’ll be getting into great physical shape, learning self-defence skills, developing confidence, making new friends, meeting new people, and even becoming a more focused person overall.

How to Start Training in Boxing

Ready to join a boxing gym? First, you’ll need to find one close by. The Internet is the best way to find out if there are any boxing gyms in your area, so be sure to use it! Don’t have Internet access?

Use your local library’s computer instead. Most libraries have basic Internet access for free or for a small fee, but some may require that you become a member of their digital library.

Next, call up the gym and ask about prices and training packages. They’ll want to know when you’re available since many boxing gyms have specific hours of operation.

For example, most gyms offer early morning classes (5 am-7 am) before regular business hours

The first step towards improving your fitness level, learning self-defence skills, being motivated to work out consistently, or accomplishing anything on this list of benefits is to research local gyms around you, interview the owners/trainers on what they have to offer and sign a contract.

After you have committed yourself to the gym, be sure that you buy or borrow some kind of protective gear from their equipment supplies before trying anything.

If you’re not sure what to get, just ask the trainers at the boxing gym. They will help guide you in getting everything necessary to avoid injury…

 Protective Gear for Boxing

The following is a list of the protective gear recommended for boxers: Hand wraps, padded gloves, jockstrap or athletic cup, headgear, mouth guard, and groin protector.

Many beginner boxers only need hand wraps and gloves until they become more experienced.

Hand Wraps      

Hand wraps are worn around both hands from knuckle to wrist. They help support the bones in your hands, keep you from injuring your wrists, and reduce inflammation.


Boxing gloves are worn on both hands during training to protect your fists and knuckles while hitting the heavy bag or other training equipment.

Most gyms will require that you purchase boxing gloves before joining their club, but some may allow you to borrow them for a small fee.

Jock Strap/Athletic Cup      

The jockstrap is mostly used by male boxers to hold an athletic cup (also known as a “mushroom cap”) into place over the genitals. This prevents damage to the groin area if another boxer hits below the belt.

 Head Gear      

Headgear is the most basic type of protective gear for boxing, and it covers your head from hairline to chin. It also reduces the impact on the jaw and temple areas while sparring with other people.

Before you sign a contract for boxing training at a gym, be sure that there is a place to buy any additional supplies you might need.

You don’t want to get stuck paying an arm and a leg for overpriced equipment when you only needed hand wraps and gloves initially. If possible, try searching around online before buying anything.

The Internet usually has better deals than local stores so check both before making any final decisions!

When getting ready to train in boxing, be sure not to skip any steps. Making sure you know the costs of everything is important so that you don’t get stuck with hidden fees, and protective gear is critical when sparring with other people.

Be sure to ask questions if you are unsure of what something does or how it works. You’ll soon join the ranks of professional boxers who need a lot more than just a pair of gloves and a punching bag!

If you have any more questions about boxing class feel free to ask or contact boxing bayside
