How To Choose Your Wedding Photographer

Photography is more available now than at any other time in recent memory. Advances in innovation – especially cell phone cameras – have made it feasible for nearly anybody to make the sort of craftsmanship that would have been completely unattainable 10 years prior. Notwithstanding, there are still a few circumstances that are most appropriate for recruiting an expert photographic artist. 

It resembles doing a DIY project: you may have a carport brimming with apparatuses and some experience added to your repertoire, however, if you truly need to take care of business right, you need to bring in a master.

Check these wedding photos Melbourne photographers. 

What’s Your Style?

Leading is choosing your style, you can peruse our site and see many diverse wedding photographs by various photographic artists, anyway it is significant you discover a photography style that matches what you need, a style that you need your photographs to follow.

Waitlist photographic artists that coordinate your style, be it reportage, conventional or contemporary, eccentric and imaginative. 

Get a vibe of the sorts of photographs you like and would need, would you simply like to unwind and allow your picture taker to catch them as it unfurls, catching the feeling of visitors than a reportage genuine style is for you.

If you need some fun and idiosyncratic photographs with you and your accomplice and something a little unique, at that point take a gander at more particular picture takers that have an unmistakable style. 

Compare All Photographers’ Packages

It is extremely difficult to show the specific total you will spend on wedding photography administrations. Initially, you should sort out the sort of pictures you need, the number of collections, the working territory of the photographic artist.

The whole entirety may go from $2,500 to more than $15,000 (premium market). Considering inquiries to pose to while employing a picture taker, remember to specify the general reach depending on his/her standard “shooting cost” and bundle.

Consider the standard cost of the favoured collection type and the timeframe you need to employ a picture taker for (1-2 days or the entire end of the week).

Get some information about the substance of their standard bundle alongside the costs for extra administrations, for example, a commitment photograph meeting, a chance of working additional time or explicit picture altering. At that point, examine costs.


They may have been taking photographs for quite a long time, however have as of late begun catching weddings. Ensure they have a decent barely any strong long periods of capturing weddings. 

Weddings are altogether different to form shoots or organized shots as they are dynamic, it is a live occasion, an accomplished wedding picture taker will know the progression of the day and realize that where will generally be at the perfect opportunity to get those dazzling shots. 


On the off chance that they have the experience, they ought to have a ton of tributes and incredible references. Request to address past customers, ensure they were content with how everything went and are excited with the outcome when they got their photographs.

See A Couple Of Entire Wedding Collections 

Previously during the study, it is acceptable to search for a photographic artist who shows wedding exhibitions of, for instance, at least 100 photographs, not simply the 2 to 3 best pictures. In any case, even the bigger exhibitions typically have just a negligible part of the last collections.

Accordingly, inquire as to whether he could show you what the entire wedding collection resembles. Set aside the effort to experience them cautiously in detail, regardless of whether it’s in an online exhibition or a printed wedding collection.

Simultaneously, don’t be reluctant to ask the photographic artist for their remarks, so you would then be able to find out about how the photographic artist considers the wedding, what is critical to them and if their view is like yours.

Helpful Tips For Picking The Best Ring

There’s so much talk about engagement rings that sometimes, wedding rings don’t seem to get the attention that they deserve. After all, a wedding ring will be worn every single day for the rest of your life! It signifies the greatest commitment that you have made and is an enduring visible symbol of your marriage. 

Throughout history, wedding rings have symbolised love, loyalty and faithfulness. This tradition springs from ancient times and is widely found in almost every culture. Wedding rings are often considered a sacred piece of jewellery that is highly valued.

When buying a wedding ring, the approach is quite different from an engagement ring. Most couples buy their wedding ring together and there is no element of surprise attached to this. It is a sensible, practical decision that is made by both parties. 

What’s more, often it is the most important piece of jewellery that you both will buy together and is an exhibition of your love, style, personality and values. If you are planning on getting one, visit here.

In this article, we focus on how to choose your wedding ring.

Start Early

Many couples make the mistake of waiting too late to purchase their wedding rings. They overlook production times and don’t give themselves enough time to have their ring completed.

Generally, allow about a 3-4 weeks to have your rings sized and ready.

If you are having your wedding rings custom made, allow even more time. Certain styles can take longer, and retailers may require about 3-6 weeks to custom make your wedding bands.

Choose Your Budget

Choosing your budget at the start can help you decide on your rings and not get side-tracked when shopping. It is generally recommended to set aside about 3% to 5% of your total wedding budget for your wedding rings.

To make your budget stretch, you can play around with the ring metal and styles. For example, choose a half eternity rather than a full eternity band as it will cost less yet won’t make a big difference to the appearance of your ring. Another example would be to choose white gold over platinum, as they both look very similar but white gold is more affordable.

For example, let’s compare the following two rings. This is a half eternity prong-set wedding band, while this is a full eternity band. Both are made of 14k white gold. The half eternity holds the equivalent of .30 carats of diamonds while the full eternity has diamonds equivalent to .75 carats. 

There are other small differences in terms of clarity and colour, but the two bands look very similar in terms of quality and beauty. The price difference? Almost a thousand dollars!

Big brand names and designer rings can also add a considerable mark-up to the overall price of the ring. Remember that a wedding ring is a classic piece of jewellery and whether you purchase it at a big brand store or the local jeweller’s, there won’t be a huge difference in the look but there definitely will be a difference in the price!

Consider Your Lifestyle

While this may seem like an obvious point, many people forget to remember that the wedding ring they choose should suit their lifestyle. Considering that this is a piece of jewellery that you will wear every day for a lifetime, it must fit your lifestyle to ensure that it lasts a lifetime.

The ring you buy should be stylish but also practical. For example, if you have a very active, outdoorsy lifestyle or are exposed to lots of chemicals, your ring should be tough enough to withstand that sort of exposure. 

Take this into consideration when deciding on your metal and style and make sure you check this with your jeweller before you buy.

Choose Your Metal

The typical metal for wedding rings has been gold, although today you can purchase your ring in a variety of different metals. For a matched look, it is a good idea for the bride and groom to choose the same metal. While the styles can be different, having the same metal gives the two rings a subtle yet beautiful connection.

Having said that, some brides and grooms prefer different metals to suit their tastes. For example, rose gold is a feminine soft colour and is perfect for a bride, whereas the groom might wish for something sturdier and more masculine. This is fine as well.

Most brides prefer to choose a metal to match their engagement ring. This ensures that the two rings always work together and not against each other.

Essential Tips When Organizing A Hen’s Party

Putting together a hen gathering can be an overwhelming errand, best-case scenario, and an all-out brain melter to say the least. 

It doesn’t make any difference how to grant winning and inventive thoughts may be, except if you comprehend the fundamentals of hen-arranging, you’ll trip up at the most avoidable of obstacles. 

Imparting these tips to your kindred bridesmaids will guarantee you’re not kidding “woke” to the issues that could emerge, and the contemplations that should be made. Furthermore, when you’re all on the same wavelength in such a manner, at that point the fun part can start!

Visit the website for more tips when organizing a hen’s party.

Ask The Bride What She Wants

This is the number one need. While a few components of the hen do can stay a mystery, the lady is the explanation this entire trick is occurring, so you better set up something which she will adore. 

Bride disclosed to us almost immediately that she might want an end of the week away in a ranch style home with every last bit of her dearest loved ones. The rules bride set educated all that we did start there onwards. If you are uncertain regarding what the lady of the hour might want – simply inquire. The probability is that she has exceptionally particular thoughts on what her hen do will resemble, for her. 

Besides, when you have thought of the sort of hen do, you can start to generally cost it up.

Coordinate An Ice-Breaker for visitors 

While a large number of the gathering visitors may as of now be companions, odds are that there will be at any rate a couple of individuals who don’t know anyone. To guarantee that no one learns about left, sorting out an ice-breaker for everybody to become more acquainted with one another is an incredible method to cause everybody to feel included and loose. This could be pretty much as basic as getting everybody to address a couple of inquiries regarding themselves, from sharing their #1 books and motion pictures to discuss how they know the lady of the hour, or setting up a ‘speed-dating’ circumstance where everybody is matched up and has one moment to present themselves before the sets switch. 

Another mainstream game is ‘two certainties, one falsehood’ where everybody tells three articulations with the gathering; two of which are valid and one of which is false. The remainder of the gathering needs to attempt to figure which one is the falsehood. 

Set A Date And Book A Venue

Individuals’ journals get reserved rapidly, as do scenes. 

You’ll need to check what dates individuals can make quickly and lock it in. 

It required some investment to locate an investment property that could oblige our gathering, and when we found the ideal one, we were happy we booked it ahead of schedule as a request is high leading the pack up to summer when numerous individuals get hitched.

Airbnb is an incredible asset for properties for the little hen do parties, as our gathering was very huge (16+ individuals) we found that we were in an ideal situation googling huge investment properties, which drove us to more specialty destinations devoted to huge rentals.

Get The Different Companion Gatherings To Blend 

There will undoubtedly be participants who don’t have any acquaintance with one another, so things could feel a little off-kilter as the underlying presentations are made. Having a type of interruption for that first hour is truly useful.

Consider having a showcase of adolescent photographs of the lady for everybody to chuckle and spout over. If you can source some old photographs of the lady with the visitors from the years passed by, all the better.

Do-It-Yourself However Much You Can 

One approach to minimize expenses is to make things yourself. Pinterest is an awesome asset to discover basic and financially savvy approaches to make beautiful embellishments, for example, pixie lights in containers as lovely table decorations, creating your own ‘photograph divider’, or a beautified divider with props that visitors can present before.

Truly, it’s additional tedious, yet it will set aside your cash over the long haul and dodge spending victory. It can likewise be a less expensive approach to add that additional radiance to the day.

The Top Five Problems CRM Users Face

In my time as a CRM consultant, I have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of companies and their employees where they train CRM. In these experiences, I have noticed some trends in common problems across all industries.

Today I will discuss the five most prominent issues that impact your business’s efficiency and growth.

1. Lack of Standardization – 

Every company has unique needs and requirements along with multiple users controlling data integrity and content updates.

Organizations cannot afford to support their clients and prospects by making them work around pre-designed business processes or structure customer data themselves – without the necessary customization tools available within Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Therefore, your company needs to create systematized processes so new users can quickly learn how reports are run and reports can be reproduced consistently.

Standardization is a key theme of the CRM industry because it ultimately saves companies time and money by creating a usable system that can be adopted by a vast number of employees across multiple teams.

Standardizing processes will eliminate the hours wasted each day on training new members who lack knowledge or familiarity with your business’s overall structure.

This will then allow them to focus their efforts on more productive activities – making your company more efficient as a whole. 

2. Data Isolation – 

Data isolation occurs when users neglect to organize their data in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, instead of storing every piece of information they receive within one main activity or lead source (I bet you are guilty of this) time this causes issues with duplicate records, inaccurate data, and irrelevant content.

CRM consultants always recommend that companies separate general business data from prospect records.

Sales, marketing, and support teams can all benefit from this standardization because it makes finding the information you need as easy as a click of a button – by utilizing tools such as filtering and search functions to pinpoint exactly what you are looking for.

CRM consultants also advise that users group data into custom entities within CRM to help increase the visibility of records that are most relevant to them.

I will use sales as an example because it is a very typical CRM industry issue. Let’s say you have two sales executives – Susan and Robert who work in the same department but have different territories.

Susan focuses on selling to companies located in the Northwestern USA and Robert sells to businesses within a 3-state area surrounding his home office. CRM consultants would recommend that these two users have all information about their prospects assigned into separate custom entities, such as “Susan’s Accounts” or “Robert’s Accounts.”

By segregating your data it becomes easier to assign CRM activities, tasks, and reminders because CRM will only show the relevant information that each user needs to execute CRM processes efficiently.

3. CRM Isolation – 

A CRM consultant’s job is also to help their clients integrate Microsoft Dynamics CRM into existing business practices and ensure it is utilized by every member of a company’s staff to its fullest potential.

CRM can be one of the hardest technologies for companies to adopt because CRM industry jargon is often coined by CRM consultants or other CRM professionals who use terms that may sound foreign to non-CRM users.

CRM isolation can occur when CRM users neglect to spread information throughout the company or when CRM’s benefits are under-valued.

CRM consultants believe that CRM is not just another software package but instead a valuable business solution that should be used by everyone in your organization to improve business processes, productivity, and sales performance.

4. User Misconceptions – 

Being new to CRM industry jargon can cause CRM users to develop some false CRM ideas that can ultimately hold them back from CRM success. CRM consultants often call these misconceptions CRM fallacies, and they are usually based on CRM industry hearsay.

CRM fallacies were created when CRM users who did not fully understand how CRM worked implemented their CRM practices. CRM consultants explain that CRM is only useful to your sales, marketing, and support teams if it adds value to each department’s CRM processes.

CRM fallacies are incorrect methods of using CRM to process CRM activities that can actually cause damage to existing CRM data or pull valuable information out of CRM altogether – resulting in CRM user frustration!

CRM fallacies are common CRM industry issues that CRM consultants frequently come across when consulting for clients.

5. CRM Data Overload – 

CRM data overload occurs when users fail to keep their CRM records updated and organized, which can be a result of CRM user misconceptions (such as CRM fallacies).

CRM data overload can cause delays and lost sales because CRM users may not be reaching the right people with their CRM touches. CRM consultants advise that CRM data should always be updated and organized to ensure CRM information is current and accessible.

CRM touchpoints only provide value to your company when they reach the right CRM users at the right time. CRM touchpoints that reach old or outdated CRM records will not add CRM value to your CRM processes.

CRM consultants recommend that CRM users update and organize their CRM information regularly to prevent data overload from occurring in their Microsoft Dynamics CRMs.

In conclusion, CRM consultants believe that CRM is not for everyone and CRM users should be sure to utilize CRM data to its fullest potential. CRM data isolation, CRM fallacies, and CRM data overload can all cause frustration for CRM users who do not understand the full value of their CRMs.

What Are Shoulder Aches And Neck Pain?

Shoulder aches and neck pain are bothersome, but common. Both shoulder aches and neck pain can be a symptom of a more serious underlying problem in the shoulder joint or neck bones. 

There are many potential causes for shoulder aches and neck pain, including:

In most cases, shoulder aches and neck pain will resolve on their own without treatment.

People experience shoulder aches and neck pain when there is pressure on the shoulder joint or the cervical spine (a type of back bone). Common symptoms include shoulder stiffness, shoulder warmth or coldness, shoulder weakness or numbness/tingling in arms or hands. There are several possible causes for shoulder aches and neck pain, some of which may be serious.

The shoulder is one of the most flexible joints in the human body. This type of shoulder joint consists of a ball and socket. The shoulder blades (scapula) form the outer edge of the shoulder as well as shoulder blade muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and bones.

The shoulder blade has three distinct areas: 

Shoulder aches are typically felt in your shoulder or upper back but can also relate to neck pain or cause chest pain when you press on your sternum with your fingers at about the level of your nipples. If you take anti-inflammatory medications for shoulder aches , they won’t touch trigeminal neuralgia head pains .

One potential cause of shoulder aches and neck pain is a shoulder separation. A shoulder separation involves the ligaments surrounding the AC joint, which connects your shoulder blade to your clavicle (collar bone). This may be caused by a direct impact to your shoulder, or from falling on an outstretched hand or directly onto your shoulder.

In most cases, shoulder injuries heal within several weeks. If you have not had medical treatment in this time period and still experience shoulder pain that limits movement in your arm and shoulder, then you should visit a doctor immediately for further evaluation.

Serious conditions such as nerve damage and fractures may cause similar symptoms but do not usually improve without treatment.

Shoulder aches can also be due to sprain-strain, which is damage to shoulder ligaments. The shoulder is a ball and socket type joint, so it can suffer dislocation or subluxation in the case of sprain-strain injuries.

Shoulder aches can be due to neck strain in which neck muscles are injured in some way causing shoulder pain. Some neck strains occur from direct trauma such as falling onto your shoulder or whiplash associated with motor vehicle accidents; others result from poor posture at the computer, carrying heavy bags on one shoulder (especially if you overdo it), or sleeping badly (if you get neck ache when you wake up).

Neck pain is often caused by arthritis, an injury to the neck bones themselves, muscle strain and inflammation – all things that can make the neck bones less stable and more likely to irritate the joints in your neck.

Shoulder aches may also be due to shoulder arthritis, which is when the shoulder joint degenerates over time, resulting in shoulder bone spurs and inflammation. This condition frequently causes shoulder pain that gets worse with shoulder movement and at night while sleeping.

A shoulder “snapping” sensation can be associated with shoulder arthritis or a detached tendon of the rotator cuff that has retracted into the shoulder joint space after an injury.

A torn rotator cuff usually causes weakness in one arm plus shoulder pain on exertion such as lifting heavy bags.
Another possible cause of shoulder aches is bicipital tenosynovitis (also known as “tennis shoulder”), a painful shoulder condition resulting from irritation of tendons surrounding the biceps tendon as it passes between two bones near the shoulder.

The shoulder pain is often felt when you lift your arms out to the side and up above your head, such as in an enthusiastic “thumbs-up” gesture. Check out for more information about shoulder aches and neck pains.

Engagement Rings: Factors To Consider Before Buying One

The engagement ring is on your finger and the preparation of the wedding day has started. Do not wait too long to start shopping for wedding rings. It will offer you more time to maximise your budget plan in addition to making sure the rings consist of the last wedding budget plan. Looking for the finest engagement ring? Why not try Ladies White Gold Rings, just visit this website to know more!

Shop Early

Start about 6 months before your wedding event, particularly if you are thinking of having bespoke rings made. No point leaving this to the last minute.

Her Lifestyle

The engagement ring you select will be on her hand every day for many years, if not for the rest of her life. Most women don’t like having to remove the ring for work, sports or hobbies– so you have to think of how the ring will fit into what she does every day.

Decide Your Budget Plan

Considering you will be using your wedding event rings every day, forever– it is an excellent idea to pick high quality and something you actually like, for that reason the budget plan might be a bit higher than you think.

Consider Insurance

It is suggested to include engagement and both wedding event bands in your home insurance coverage as quickly as they have been purchased– both for theft and loss.

Identify Her Ring Size

If you do not know this yet, the best option is to privately obtain one of her other rings and have them determined by a jeweller. Do note that there can be approximately a half finger-size difference between the right and left hands, which can be easily adjusted after you have actually offered the ring.

The 4Cs

When it comes to diamonds, the 4Cs represent:

  • Colour
  • Clarity
  • Cut
  • Carat Weight

The 4Cs are the 4 requirements for judging the quality of any diamond. Developed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in 1953, the grading system is used throughout the world and is relied on as an indication of quality.

Try Something Different

You might enjoy the concept of a braided increased gold ring or a diamond eternity band, but as soon as you get to the store, try some rings that aren’t on your inspiration board. Just like with wedding gowns, you might end up caring for something you never believed you would.

Believe Long Term

While you should not hesitate to be trendy, make certain the design you pick is something you’ll want to use for, say, the next 40 years. Just do not stress too much: You’re not married to the ring and can always make changes to it (go or add diamonds from white gold to platinum) later on to mark an unique anniversary.

Know The Quality

It can not be emphasised enough – with all rings, check for quality! If two or more metals were utilized in the building of the ring, there requires to be a quality mark for each one.

Cleaning Standards

You can clean your wedding rings quickly. To clean up a ring that has no stones, just rub it with a lint-free and soft cloth, such as chamois. With warm soapy water brush your ring and stones with a soft brush, rinse and dry with a cloth.

Preferred Setting

The next step is to choose your preferred ring setting number of prongs used, and how they interact with the focal point is essential in protecting the stone. Paved settings have small beads that hold the diamonds along the metal band.

Metal Band

While your favored gemstone will be the focal point, the engagement ring likewise has a metal band that holds the dazzling stone in location. You may opt for the popular yellow-gold or white gold instead of platinum. Platinum bands tend to be heavier and with a strong feel. Titanium, palladium, and increased gold are other basic options that brides-to-be prefer.

Pick Side Stones

Side stones are an amazing way to dress up an engagement ring. They bring a dash of sophistication, developing an appearance that’s just advanced. Popular choices consist of channel or pavé set diamonds along the shank of the ring, diamond baguettes on either side of the center stone, and coloured gems in any number of setups. If you desire diamond side stones that match the center stone, pick ones that grade near the centre diamond in colour, clearness and (if round brilliants) cut.

Get The Most Shimmer And Size

For diamonds of similar color and clearness, the cut is accountable for the stone’s sparkle. An easy suggestion to make certain round fantastic diamond sparkles is to choose one that has a GIA cut grade of “Exceptional” or “Excellent.” In addition, as a general rule, the more diamonds an engagement ring has, the more the engagement ring will sparkle. This is another reason to think about diamond side stones.

After The Purchase…


Make sure you learn the aftercare policy of anywhere you buy from. A good diamond merchant will make certain that they are there to help you with any queries or problems you have long after you make the purchase.

Wedding Bands

Many brides-to-be love their engagement ring so much that they want their wedding event ring to match it. If your picked engagement ring doesn’t appear to come with matching wedding event bands, do not fret as it is typically possible to find a perfect match at a later date (and no one will know you didn’t plan it that method!).

8 Tips For Getting Married While Pregnant

Low Angle Shot Of Man and A Pregnant Woman Holding Hands With Baby Shoes Between Their Fingers

Tying the knot amid your pregnancy may feel like your whole little family, including you, your significant other, and the precious bub in your bump is present. However, it is definitely not the most undemanding undertaking you will execute. In addition to wedding planning, shopping, and execution, morning sickness and other pregnancy downsides are some of the things you need to keep an eye on. While your experience of walking down the aisle is a little different to most bride’s, it can be as successful. To make yourself feel and look that little bit more extra special, get your hair and makeup done professionally by Simona Janek.

To get you started, we made you a list of tips to aid you in taking extra care of yourself and your baby in preparation for and throughout the event. If followed, these will help you enjoy one of the most important days of your life to the fullest. Read on!

  1. Choose the Best Timing

If you have not set the date yet, it is best to pick a date amid your second trimester. At this time, the morning sickness is not as bad as during the first trimester and the symptoms will not be as heavy during the third. 

  1. Disclose or Keep it as a Secret

If you are early on the pregnancy, you have the option to tell your guests about it or not. Of course, this will depend on how far you are along with your guests and other myriad factors. Letting them know will help them understand your condition. This is crucial, especially when the features of pregnancy visit you during the event. Chances are, they will be able to recognize the limits brought about by your condition and how much accommodation you can give each other.

  1. Level Up Your Organizational Skills

With double the amount to think about, it is extremely crucial to double your efforts in staying organized. Keep a master schedule of your wedding timeline and deadlines. Tracking the progress among your vendors easily and maintaining control of the big picture depreciate the stressful side of wedding planning. A happy bride-slash-mum means a happy groom and healthy bub!

  1. Hire a Wedding Planner

A wedding coordinator will give you aid in organizing and executing your nuptials. Not only will they help you track your vendors but they will also help make arrangements for your bridal party and guests.

Wedding planning is a difficult task to do, even for non-pregnant brides. While some can manage without a coordinator, most hire one. With extra challenges by your side, it might be best to ask for assistance. Leaving the event planning to an expert will let you focus on the more important changes and transitions you will go through.

  1. Delegate

If you need extra pairs of hands aside from a wedding planner’s, ask for help. This is beneficial in aspects that are more important and personal. Chances are, your bridesmaids and maid of honour are more than willing to help you. Describe your vision clearly and give them direct guidelines, then let them take the wheel. 

  1. Mind Your Wedding Dress

Wearing an excellent gown is a highlight in every wedding. If you’ve yet to get a dress, you are lucky! Estimate the size by using a faux baby bump when trying on dresses. On the other hand, if you already purchased one or having it designed before getting the news, it is wise to call your dressmaker as soon as possible for modifications. 

If you are looking for the best wedding gown to wear, check out the designs of my friends from Gorgeous Bridal Gowns and Fashions. They have the finest collection that includes stunning pieces for all shapes and sizes. Whichever dress you pick, you will surely look perfect as you have that remarkable momma glow. Hence, flaunt your bump!

  1. Choose a Healthy Menu

Regardless if it is a buffet or a multiple course meal, make sure your menu includes food and drinks that are friendly for an expecting mum like you. Give your caterer and bartender a heads up. If your menu has raw meats, make sure to have a portion that’s fully cooked. Ask for a sparkling cider or special mocktail in replacement for the classic champagne for you. 

  1. Intensify the Self-Care

While striving for a perfect, once-in-a-lifetime wedding is normal, caring for yourself and for your baby should always come first. Your tight schedule will definitely demand a myriad of meetings, fittings, and tastings. In other words, you will have to sit for long hours. Hence, do pregnancy-friendly exercises. Most importantly, do everything at your own pace. Furthermore, always stay hydrated and have healthy snacks with you, even during the special day. 

Last but not least, do not forget to have fun during the planning process and during the special day itself. For instance, why not treat yourself to a session of maternity photoshoot amid the wedding planning craziness? At Renee Joanne Photography, I help expecting mums document the initial process of motherhood through shooting impeccable photographs of her changing form. Plus, I offer various packages, perfect for when little bub has joined you!

Bridal Makeup Tips: 5 Things to Consider Before You Book Your Makeup Artist

Portrait preparation of bride in the morning before wedding. artist makes makeup and she keeps eyed closed Free Photo

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, future bride! You must be full of excitement, counting on the days to one of the most significant moments of your life. 

You must have invested a great deal of time, energy, and resources to bring such a once-in-a-lifetime event to its perfection. To make the day of your dreams unforgettable, chances are, you also booked the best wedding photographer in the area. He or she will capture stunning images of every precious moment. Hence, that is why you probably want to feel and look your best on your special day. As you should! After all, it is to celebrate you and the one who keeps you all smiles. Plus, there is no repeating that!

Scouting for a good makeup artist for your wedding is one thing. However, hiring one who will tie together your bridal look in accordance to your wants and needs is another. Hence, it is crucial to be selective. To help you with that, we made a list of points to consider when booking your professional makeup artist to ensure you got the best option for you. To get you started, keep reading on!

  1. The Makeup Artist’s Portfolio

When finding a makeup artist, the first thing on the agenda is to do one’s research. To make sure that the artist’s work and skills match your personal style is to take a look at their portfolio, which is the equivalent of peeking on someone’s resume in the world of art. This collection of images showcase their general style as well as showcase their experience and best works. Chances are, this is up on their website. Also, check out their Facebook, Instagram, and/or Pinterest pages, where they most likely post their most recent projects. Remember, a professional artist will have most of these, if not all. Plus, if they have great reviews, you can safely assume that they are outstanding!

  1. The Opportunity for a Makeup Consultation

Meeting up with your prospect seems like an additional cost you can skip. However, more often than not, it is an investment. The meetup will help you understand how the professional works and find out if the two of you match in terms of style and comfort. Also, you will get the chance to pose all the questions you have been meaning to ask. Hence, ask them about the following:

  • The products and the type of makeup they use. Do they work using regular makeup, HD makeup, or airbrush makeup? Also, do they use a variety of makeup products or are affiliated with a particular brand?;
  • Package inclusions such as hair extensions, fake eyelashes, contact lenses, and even hair extensions and accessories, as well as nail paints.;
  • The size of their team. Do they work alone or have assistants? Can they entertain members of your bridal party?; and
  • Length of service. How long will the makeup session last?

Through this, you can discuss with them your ideal look. You may also give them a heads up about your requirement and skin sensitivities if there is any. Every good professional makeup artist will address all your queries and layout in detail their recommendation for complementing your features.

  1. Opportunity for Makeup Trial and Preview

Let us face it: every face is unique. There might be a chance when the makeup inspiration you saw on social media or on your prospect’s portfolio may not be as suitable for you. When this happens, it is most likely that the expert has a more fitting idea. Better yet if you show them your wedding gown. This is instrumental in helping them match your makeup to it! That is why having a test run is a wise move. If the makeup artist is willing to conduct one, this means they are capable and are building trust. Not only does a trial provide an avenue for clearer communication, but this also leaves no room for undesirable surprises on your wedding day!

  1. Contract and Payment Terms

Having a written contract is a strong indicator that the makeup artist is a professional since they ensure that both parties are protected. This also means they claim full accountability for their service and offer a commitment to your schedule. The contract should cover details about fees, payment and cancellation terms, as well as policies. In cases of destination weddings, travel cost and arrangements and lounging shall be discussed. Make sure both parties are clear on each other’s terms.

  1. The Practise of Safety Measures

Having your makeup done by a professional means sharing close physical proximity with them. Hence, ensure that the artist follows strict safety practices and keeps their cosmetic products and tools sanitized. Make sure to reciprocate the favour, too!

Looking for a professional makeup artist in Sydney who ticks all boxes? Scout no more! With extensive experience in hairstyling and portrait photography, I, at Simona Janek, ensure a picture-perfect bridal look that will suit not only your ideal wedding hairstyle but your wedding outfit as well. If you are still searching for a wedding gown, check out the impeccable designs of my talented colleagues from Gorgeous Bridal Gowns and Fashion. Their wide selection of bridal pieces will surely make it difficult to settle for one wedding dress!

How To Find Your Perfect Wedding Dress

Wedding dress shopping is one of the most fun and exciting parts of wedding planning. Unfortunately, it can also be the most stressful. The endless options for fabrics, silhouettes, and necklines can be so overwhelming, and maybe your mom is still pushing you to go with the family heirloom on your wedding day. We recommend taking a step back before you end up giving in to the pressure and picking a dress you’re not completely sure about. If you’re torn from looking at dress after gorgeous dress, consider these points to make the process a whole lot easier.

  1. Budget

Weddings are not cheap, and your wedding dress will probably be the most expensive piece of clothing you’ll ever buy. It’s totally fine to splurge a little bit for your perfect dress since your wedding is a milestone event that you’ll remember forever. However, you do need to work within your means, so remember to set a budget for yourself. The price range for wedding dresses are very varied, so make sure that you state your budget to the designer that you’re working with. Include the cost of tailoring and alterations in your budget as well.

  1. Location

Where you’re getting married has a big impact on what you can wear. Places of worship will expect you to dress modestly and not show too much skin, so sleeveless and deep v-necks won’t be an option. On the other hand, a long-sleeve dress with a train just isn’t practical if you’re having a beach wedding. Knowing whether your wedding will be held indoors or outdoors can already narrow down your choices.

Consider also the location of your reception, and how formal it will be. An embellished ball gown would be best for a grand reception, while a simple tea-length dress is the perfect fit for more intimate settings.

  1. Season

When you’re getting married is just as important to consider as where you’re getting married. A lightweight, flowy dress would be perfect for a summer ceremony, while winter ceremonies allow for more drama with options for a cape and long sleeves. The theme of your wedding day could also be based on a season. For example, if you’re having a fall wedding with a rustic theme, you’ll want to pick out a dress with a more vintage-inspired silhouette.

  1. Style

The best way to know which wedding dress to get is to look at the dresses and skirts you already wear on the daily. If you love wearing a peplum or pencil skirts, start out your search by looking at fit and flare dresses since these have a similar silhouette. If you like shift dresses and smock tops, an A-line or sheath dress could be the one for you. If you’re a bride who doesn’t feel comfortable in dresses, you could even break tradition by going for a pantsuit at your ceremony. Just keep in mind that your style is only the starting point, and the journey of finding the perfect wedding dress involves stepping out of your comfort zone for a little bit. Be open to trying out a few different styles if you’re designer asks you to.

  1. Body Type

Lastly, consider your body type when choosing a dress. A sheath or column style dress might look gorgeous on your favourite celebrity, but it might make you look shapeless or feel uncomfortable. It’s very easy to fall in love with a certain silhouette or even a specific dress you saw on Pinterest, then try on a similar one in-store only to find that it doesn’t fit quite right. To help steer you in the right direction, your closet is the perfect guideline. As said above, your wardrobe will help define what shapes flatter your figure, as well as the ones you feel most comfortable and confident in. Celebrities or models who have a body type similar to yours also make good references.

Above all, don’t rush the process. Finding your wedding dress will take time, and it’s a very personal decision that only you can make. Don’t worry, you’ll know as soon as you’ve found the one! It will look right, but most importantly it will feel right to you. Your wedding dress should make you feel pretty and confident, so the very best version of yourself is the one walking down the aisle. Once you’ve found your wedding dress, remember to find a photographer and videographer who can capture you in it during all your glory on your special day.

If you’re looking for an event photographer, contact The Crop who specialise in all event photography styles. 

Tips To Reduce Monthly Expenses For Your Wedding

Intend to minimize your month-to-month costs so you can save even more cash to pay for your wedding day?

When you’re saving up for a wedding, every dime matters. We have actually shared hundreds of ways to conserve cash on your wedding event; from reducing your guest list to skipping cocktail hour. We’ve likewise shared the most effective ways to save up cash to pay for your wedding celebration.

Among the best methods to help liberate funds to put towards your special day is to decrease your personal investing. That’s why we recommend looking at the regular monthly individual costs for both you and also your partner while you’re calculating your wedding budget!

You wish to recognize any locations where you may currently be spending too much or at the very least locations where you might cut down. When you minimize your month-to-month expenses, you’ll have the ability to save more to take into the wedding celebration fund!

Consider it as a trade-off … fewer journeys to the cinemas in Australia and more nights at home with Netflix. Fewer meals dining out for a totally free test of a brand-new meal-delivery solution. You can take that extra $10, $20, or $50 monthly and also placed that in the direction of the things you deem splurge-worthy for your special day!


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I love mostly to dining establishments as well as eating out, but it can most definitely be costly. Try reducing the number of times each month you eat out in order to minimize your expenditures. If you do choose to see your preferred dining establishments, be sure to check regional bargain sites like Groupon or Living Social to get your dishes for less when you desire a special reward. Both sites have apps that you can download right to your mobile phone so you can schedule AND save on the go!

A $100 journey to the supermarket can feed you and your partner for a whole week vs one evening out for a fancy supper. It’s simple math– ditch the reservations and also get cooking in your kitchen area for a cheaper date night. You can also make it feel luxe for a lot less by making your own hours d’ oeuvres as well as having cocktail hour in your home.

Netflix, Hulu, and also Prime are amazing streaming networks that have hundreds of programs and motion pictures for you to view at your ease. Binge-watch your preferred shows with your fiancé from the comfort of home for a low month-to-month cost, rather than heading out to the motion pictures.

Whip up a home-cooked supper, make some cocktails in the house, and also snuggle up for some TELEVISION time together as well as unwind. You can also play games like Trivia Split or Test Up and also contend against each other for a little friendly competition! It’ll offer you something fun to do together that isn’t connected to the wedding event … loser has to do the recipes. See, you can still have a good time while additionally minimizing your investing!


Rather than utilizing a conventional fitness centre membership that can cost you $100s and even thousands a year, choose an at-home workout that you can stream on YouTube or Amazon Prime. has a bunch of the Jillian Michaels exercises readily available consisted of in the cost of your Prime subscription as well as those things will certainly kick your booty into shape, trust me! You can still see big gains without spending huge bucks.

Any kind of sort of bodyweight workouts is wonderful since you will not need any type of fancy devices to take part! The best component is that you can utilize applications on your mobile phone or tablet computer to do these workouts wherever you go– so you will not need to miss out on a workout if you’re travelling.

When you obtain involved, you’ll have to choose whether to maintain your expenses and cash different or marry them with each other. One major expense that many folks need to take care of is their cell phone bill. You and your companion might make a decision to minimize your monthly costs by incorporating your cordless accounts. Going from solo strategies to creating a household plan for both of you with shared information and mins might save you a package!



Have you ever came across cashback? Charge card business uses cashback when you register for among those rewards bank card they have.

You can make a particular percentage of the money you make use of on your charge card. Of course, specific bank card will provide you with the chance to earn more refund when you purchase with their card whenever you are enlisted throughout promos or buying products on their online buying website.

Have you ever before used a cashback compensates bank card? You can obtain certain money back portions when you shop at particular stores, restaurants, food store, as well as other shops that your bank card offers special cash back on.

It is very important to always research the kinds of cashback rewards that certain bank card firms use you in addition to store credit cards. You never know how much you will certainly conserve by using these types of cards in stores you generally constant every week or month.

An additional method to minimize your regular monthly costs is to make use of promo codes and also discount rates whenever possible. Ditch the promo code clipping regular and also get cashback the fun and very easy means. How? With the help of savings apps for your mobile phone! 

The Ibotta application has unique offers at your favoured grocery stores, retailers and stores as well as you can also gain incentives * after * you shop by snapping an image of your receipt. Download Ibotta today to begin putting away extra money to pay for your big day!